Term Insurance with Premiums Devolution
Life Insure for a term of 10 years and 20 years.

Product summary
Individual plan
Clause life insurance is the simplest type that provides protection for a previously determined period and the amount insured does not change during the term of the policy.
In COSVI, we now offer you two new alternatives of terms of 10 and 20 years with the benefit devolution of the Premium up to 80% of the paid Premium. In this insurance, the premiums are guarantee for the term of the coverage.
- Provides the devolution of the Premium up to80% of the paid Premium only at the end of the Term.
- Level Premium for the Term.
- Pays the insured amount to the designated beneficiary at the time of death.

Contract dispositions
- Minimum insurance coverage of $50,000.
- If the Policy terminates before the date of expiration of the Term, for any other reason that is not the death of the Insured, it will be reimbursed to the owner of the policy, a portion of the paid premium corresponding to the elapsed years.

Payment methods
These are the payment methods available to purchase your plan.
Frequently asked questions
We leave you some of the most frequently asked questions about our plans
What should I do to change my method of payment for my policy?
To realize changes in your methods of payments is necessary to fill out the form bank card, that it should be accompanied with a void check or a certification of the Financial Institute. This permits your policies to be debited directly from your account without any mayor effort on your part.
What is and Health and Accident Insurance?
This refers to their insurance that offers protection for a financial situation such as an illness, accident injuries, or inabilities.
What alternatives exist to protect me in case of a hospitalization?
Yes, we have alternatives for accident and health insurance in case of hospitalization.
Does a jointly coverage exists under the Funeral coverage?
Yes, it exists the jointly coverage (contract that cover more than one life).
To whom is emitted the check of premium return check?
Premium refunds that have not been accrued will be issued to the person who paid the premium.
To whom the Funeral benefits are paid and what documents I must give?
The benefits paid to the person who incur expenses and that presents a copy of birth certificate, death certificate and receipts of expenses of the funeral.
Steps to acquire your insurance
In just three steps, you can get the policy you are looking for.

Initial Consultation
In your initial orientation appointment, the objective is to establish good relations hear youcarefully and make adequate questions to know which you are needs a free consultation.
Depending on your needs, we evaluate the different products beneficial for you.
Besides your resume, we will continue to evaluate all information provided to recover your situation and confirm your needs. We propose an action plan that identifies and explains different products and alternatives that meet your needs. If you agree with our recommendations, we help you get the product.
Orientación Inicial
En la cita inicial el objetivo es establecer una buena relación, escucharle detenidamente y hacerle las preguntas adecuadas para saber cuáles son sus necesidades.
Dependiendo sus necesidades, se evaluarán los diferentes productos de mayor beneficio para usted.
Además, de resumir la situación, confirmar sus necesidades se procede a evaluar toda la información provista, se presenta un plan de acción en el que se identifican y explican los diferentes productos y alternativas que satisfagan sus necesidades. Si usted está de acuerdo con las recomendaciones, se le ayuda adquirir el producto.
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