Our history
Know all our history from our beginning up to our actual goals.

1961 - COSVI started its operation in response to the needs that coop leaders had.

1970 - The co-op obtains a contract with the Federal Government to perform the fiscal intermediary function of the Medicare program.
1974 - Project pilots were launched, and group medical plans are offered under a specification that restricts choice. This is to look at the expansion of services to diversify the product portfolio.
1978 - COSVI converted into the first company Puerto Rican company of insurance in accomplishing one thousand million dollars of active business.
1975 - COSVI gave services to twenty hospitals in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, processing 51,811 claims and paying monetary benefits of 12.3 million.

1980 - Initiated the promotion and marketing of Funeral Group Insurance to help counter the exorbitant costs of funeral services.
1986 - The facilities of Expresso las América's were inaugurated on the corner of Américo Miranda. Services were also amplified with the opening of two new regional offices.
1987-Young cooperatives were developed in eight public schools of the country and Club Pinos de Otoño with the mission to attend cooperative leaders that dedicated their lives to the co-op movement.

1990 - COSVI receives the price of Santiago Andrade which grants Liga de Cooperatives in the category of community services. Also, the 2nd International Finance Award for excellence was awarded by the Trade Leasing Club of Geneva, Switzerland, and the Merito Cooperativo Medal by Seguros La Equidad from Colombia.
1993 - COSVI introduced a resolution at the National Congress of the Cooperative Monument in Puerto Rico to promote the development and promotion of an educational program for young people who learn Cooperative Strategies in schools and communities. This well as Cooperativa de Seguros Múltiples left fifty-four groups of cooperatives in collaboration with the Department of Education and Dominican Republic Telephone Co.
1994 - New products were created such as a Special Individual Policy for final expenses with minimum requirements of selecting and adequate premiums. The Death and Accidental Policy to be included in loans give the cooperative and “Hospipago”, the policy that pays cash daily with the insured is hospitalized. In the same matter, COSVI starts ensuring commercial loans offered by the co-op financial institutions, being the first company of cooperative insurance to create a product for this market.1998-The New Webpage of the cooperative company was initiated.

2000 - Two new products were integrated: Decreasing Term Policy “GarantiPlus” and COSVIKEOG.
2003-In this year contest for Christmas Cards “Esencia y Tradición”, was created to promote the art in our schools and the cooperatives. SINPREX has also developed a Credit Policy with better terms and conditions.
2004 - The Annual Cooperative Training of the Cooperative Educators Association (ACE)granted the prize ACE to COSVI for their project Pro-Art and Culture. It also received recognition as the life insurance company of the year on behalf of the Professional Insurance Agents of Puerto Rico.
2008 - Subsidiary: COSVI Asset Management Corp (CAMC) handles infrastructure technology. In this same year, the Building Alliance of COSVI was inaugurated.

2010 - We was the first company of Insurance, in carrying out sales through IPAD with the purpose to manage the retention of clients and improve the process. This same year, a new policy against cancer and 38 pernicious illnesses with the name of “Total Alliance,” was launched at the same time as “Term Policy Insurance,” providing life coverage from 10 to 30 years.
2015-“Nueva Ola Cooperativista” was created in collaboration with the Liga de Cooperativas de Puerto Rico to promote cooperation among young people.
2016- We integrated with social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn to promote and expose the company’s products. PRISMA was developed as an independent agency that markets our products.
2017 - A contract with the Board of Directors and the National Insurance Association was formalized COOPSEGUROS in the Dominican Republic to have a new source of income.
2019 - The first woman to preside over an organism of Second Grade, Mrs. Arleen Medina, was appointed. Also created the Unit of Business Conservation with a license for life, accident, and health to retain clients. Somewise launched the Critical Illnesses Policy, Term Life Insurance with Devolution of Premiums.

2020 - We continue to compromise with our commitment to improving our services, with more than 37 active products; the most important thing: Life.