2022 contest
Essence and Tradition
COSVI maintains its commitment to the youth of our country and to the preservation of our customs and traditions. We are a cooperative company, purely Puerto Rican, that promotes the social welfare of the communities we serve.
The joy and happiness that the Christmas season brings us will be represented in our cooperative company, with an exhibition of all the postcards participating in this Virtual Gallery.

Christmas Postcard Winner 2022

Winning Postcards

Winning Postcards Intermediate Category

Postcards Finalists Superior Category

Postcards Finalists Intermediate Category

Exhibition of Participating Postcards
Participation Rules
The deadline for admission of postcards begins on August 30, 2023 and ends on October 13, 2023.
All postcards must be received on or before October 13, 2023 by email. A postcard that arrives after this date will not be considered. Any resident student of Puerto Rico who is enrolled in an educational institution (Intermediate or Higher) can participate.
1. Students will participate in the Intermediate or Higher categories for a first, second and third prize. The size of the postcard will be 5x7 without a frame.
- First Prize awards $250
- Second Prize awards $150
- Third Prize awards $100
2. The following materials will be allowed for the development of the postcard: pencil, paint and markers.
3. The student must take a photo of their work (postcard) and send it to the following email: ceresenciatradicion@cosvi.com.
1. From all the postcards received, the jury will choose ten postcards per category that, according to the jury's criteria, best represent the theme of the contest. Therefore, there will be ten finalist postcards for the Intermediate Category and ten finalist postcards for the Superior Category.
- The jury will communicate with the finalist participants by email asking the student to send their original postcard to the following address: PO Box 363428 , San Juan PR 00936-3428, for the attention of the Office of Cooperative Affairs, Certamen Esencia y Tradición.
- The postcards selected as finalists must be received on or before the date of November 7, 2023.
- After the date of the 7th November 2023, the jury will determine the prizes awarded for this contest by category.
- Likewise, the jury will select a work from the first two places in each category, which will be considered for the COSVI Christmas Card, with an additional incentive of $200.
2. The theme that must be incorporated into the design of the postcard is: Action for the Ecosystem. The ecosystem is the biological system made up of a community of living beings and the natural environment in which they live. We can take action to care for the following ecosystems:
I. Action for the terrestrial ecosystem.
II. Action for the marine or aquatic ecosystem.
III. Action for mixed ecosystems.
- The originality with which the topic is worked on will be evaluated; the elements of design, that is: color, contrast, line, texture, etc. The postcard must represent the theme of the Contest: Action for the Ecosystem.
- The art developed must include Christmas elements from Puerto Rico, since it is a Christmas postcard.
- The jury's decision will be final.
- All postcards that participate in the contest will be part of an exhibition presented in our Virtual Gallery that will be incorporated into our website cosvi.com for the enjoyment of all our visitors and clients.
- In the Virtual Gallery the distinction will be made between participating, finalist and award-winning postcards.
- Participants will give COSVI the right of reproduction while maintaining its copyright.
- The postcard must be original to the participant. If the judges conclude that the postcard has a notable similarity to another existing one or if it gives the impression that it was copied from another existing one, the postcard may be disqualified at the discretion of the judges.
- If the postcard is disqualified, after having been awarded, the Participant must return the prizes they have received and the judges may reassign the prizes awarded.
- The Student Registration Form accompanies this document, it must be filled out and sent in the same email that sends the photo of the postcard, but as a separate document, that is, in the same email you must receive two attachments, your registration form and a second attachment that will be the photo of the participating postcard.
- COSVI will return the finalist postcards in original from January 17, 2024 onwards. As long as the participant has sent a pre-addressed envelope with a stamp and written address where the original postcard should be sent. The postcards will be saved until February 28, 2024.
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At COSVI, we take care of your life and what matters most through a personalized plan that employsyour essentials.