Breast Cancer Awareness Month
What types of cancer is covered by out Total Alliance Policy?

We all agree in that breast cancer is an enemy that can affect and change your life and those that surround you. Although, their many stories of success that had deferred breast cancer; this has been accomplishment combined with a health style of life, early detection, and science advances.
Breast cancer is the most detected and diagnosed in women. Approximately every day 5 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and 1 of each diagnostic of this kind is received by men.
What types of cancer is covered by our Total Alliance Policy?
Total Alliance can cover different types of cancer:
- Breast cancer
- Skin cancer
- Internal melanoma cancer, in some cases.
Benefits of our Total Alliance Insurance:
Each cancer policy has varied coverages, that is why is important to be oriented with an Authorized Representative over the coverage that you are taking. Nerveless, in the benefits offer through Total Alliance Policy, are the following:
- Reimbursement of $75 annually to encourage preventive test and vaccine of Human Papilloma Virus (VPH).
- Surgery and implant of the breast implant, breast reconstruction including esthetic treatments, up to $5,000.
- Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy- Up to $10,000 and the use of cannabis to treat nauseas that some of this treatment provoke.
- Wellness- Provide various benefits of reimbursements like acquisition of wigs or any addition like, hot scarfs, nutritional supplements, therapy hormones.
- Some coverages exists where the client may select that the treatment is made in U.S.
Remember that is very important to be advice with a Licensed Authorized Representative, so that he can provide advice over the investment, premium and your policies coverage. In COSVI, we can advice you through remote way or personal, keeping in mind all means of security and distance. You can reach us at 787-751-7373, visit our profile in LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram or visit our website